"The Lord had called Evan Oakes to be one of our pastors here at Fluvanna!  With a unanimous voice, the covenanted members of Fluvanna Community Church have responded to the will of God and embraced His plan for the coming days ahead!  Congratulations Evan on becoming our Discipleship Pastor!  Everyone is invited to join us on Sunday, February 16th for an installation service followed by a time of food and fellowship with Evan and his family!"  -- Pastor Todd.
A new Sunday School Christmas series for all ages will be held in the Fellowsip Hall during the month of December.  The children will join us for the video at the beginning, and then break away to their classes afterwards.  Light refreshments will be available.
The following items are needed for the Shoebox Ministry: Hairbrushes Combs Shower Loofas Markers Notebook paper Tissues Toothbrushes For more information on this ministry or to donate, please see Patty Wasson.
If you have any changes to your phone number or address, please let Cliff Carlson know so he can update the church directory.  If you are not in the directory and would like to be, please let him know.
Volunteer Opportunity - If you would like to take a turn mowing the church property now that the weather is changing, please contact Jeff Camp at (716)490-0404 or email him at jeffcamp@fluvannacc.com.
Praise the Lord for all the great things He has done!  Our mortgage is now down to $363,922.00 after a very generous donation.  He has continued to sustain FCC in our finances.  Please be in prayer for the weekly giving and how you can contribute, as giving can easily be down $1,000.00 a week.  We trust the the Lord will continuously decrease the debt and supply all of our needs.